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Entries by Simon Abrams (76)


Adobe's Mobile Apps for iPad

Easel for iPad
A week or two ago, Adobe announced a rare .5 update to its Creative Suite (bringing its latest version to CS 5.5). In conjunction with this update,  Adobe also previewed three apps for the iPad which make use of a new touch interface for Photoshop. Those apps — Adobe Eazel, Adobe Nav and Adobe Color Lava — are available today from the iTunes App Store.
I really like the apps - above is my first Eazel painting. It has a very natural feel, and convincingly conveys the effect of paint that starts out wet and dries gradually, but is sorely lacking (among other things) a multiple undo feature. When you’re done, you can send your master work to Photoshop on your computer for further editing, or do the usual stuff with it on your iPad (email, share, etc.).
The apps are all pretty fun and innovative, but I think their real purpose is to spark ideas, and to inspire other developers to take advantage of the new Photoshop Touch SDK that Adobe also released, and I can’t wait to see what people come up with.



Saturday Morning

The few times I'm up and about before the city fully wakes up make me wish I was more of a morning person.



Riding [234/365]

Cyclists riding through Prospect Park on a late spring afternoon. From time to time, I decide to practice shooting panning images, because it’s a technique I really dig. In the past, I’ve managed to get my subject pretty sharp more or less by accident. This time, I finally clued in and flipped my camera from One Shot to AI Focus mode, and I think I nailed it.



Wired [223/365]

I have a dresser in my office that’s full of my photography and gadget-related stuff. One drawer is dedicated mostly to cables, and these are the contents of that drawer. I don’t really remember actually going out and getting any of those cables - with the exception of that active extension USB cable, that is.

Not pictured is the 30’ FlashZebra sync cable that’s attached to my camera and the speedlite that I’m lighting this shot with.


Colbert's Stephensed Manhattan Clam Chowder

Spotted a few of these on W.14th St. last week. I’m sure Andy would have been proud.

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