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Entries in art (3)


Colbert's Stephensed Manhattan Clam Chowder

Spotted a few of these on W.14th St. last week. I’m sure Andy would have been proud.


Robot Joe: One of 50 Awesome Robots on Abduzeedo

Robot Joe, 2006

Wow - this made my day: I discovered (rather late, I might add) that a 3D rendering of a robot that I did back in 2006 for a Maya class at SVA was featured on abduzeedo in a collection called 50 Awesome Robots. I consider this extremely high praise, because the caliber of artists featured on the site is always top-notch, and it’s humbling to be grouped among them.

Some fun facts about Robot Joe:


  • Robot Joe originated as vague idea I had for a video game back in the ’90s. See some early sketches here and here.
  • His current incarnation — and the name “Robot Joe” — is largely inspired by my friend and co-worker Joe (who happens to love robots)
  • Robot Joe is by far my most favorited and viewed image in my Flickr stream (13K views and counting)
  • He’s been widely used across the Internets (under Creative Commons licensing) for various purposes, including as a mascot for, as a desktop image in an eMINTS classroom, and on a website for a robotics conference workshop.



ISO50: Overcoming Creative Block

Design blog ISO50 has a great post on overcoming creative block, featuring helpful strategies from several design superstars including the NYTimes’ Khoi Vinh, Chuck Patterson and Google’s Ji Lee.